I, (a member in good standing name printed) as an agent of the Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia (the party) and as an approved user of PC Base, hereby agree to keep confidential and safe any and all information accessible to me containing the operations and/or personal information of members of “the party”. Further, I am aware the information contained in the PC Base for my constituency and/or the province of Nova Scotia is also private and confidential and for my use only and only in connection with electoral purposes. I will adhere to the Privacy Protection Guidelines (PPG). Further, I am aware that within the meaning of Nova Scotia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Act states personal information can only be used for the purpose for which it was obtained or compiled or for a use compatible with that purpose. I am a current member in good standing of the party and have read, understand, and agree to comply with the terms governing the release of this information and the use of PC Base.